BRADLEY, IL…Yesterday, State Rep. Jackie Haas (R-Kankakee) presented Bradley Firehouse Subs owners, Kim and Johnny Jones, with an official certificate recognizing the significance of their business (and sandwiches!) in the 79th District.
Of the spotlight, Rep. Haas said, “The 79th District is lucky to have a restaurant like Firehouse Subs. Not only does this restaurant employ and feed lots of folks, it also donates money to improve public safety in our community. What a fantastic example they set! Local businesses like Firehouse Subs are part of what makes the 79th District special, and part of why I am so proud to represent this area. When you patronize Firehouse Subs, you are not only getting a delicious meal, but you’re also supporting the men and women on the front lines protecting us.”
Kim Jones and State Rep. Jackie Haas
Rep. Haas is seeking nominations for other local businesses in the 79th District to “spotlight” in the future. This will be a monthly opportunity! Constituents are encouraged to make a submission at rephaas.com by clicking on the “Local Business Spotlight Nomination Form” or directly, here.
The Jones family had always dreamed of owning a Firehouse Subs franchise—a dream that was realized in November 2018. This was especially meaningful given Johnny Jones’ service as a Lieutenant with the Hazel Crest Fire Department for the last 23 years. Located off Route 50 in Bradley, Firehouse Subs is a family-owned business and specializes in hot sub sandwiches made with premium meats and cheeses. Proceeds from every meal purchased at the Bradley sub shop help local firefighters, specifically, by funding requested equipment for area fire and police departments through the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation.