On this day in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America was founded in Washington D.C. by William D. Boyce of Ottawa, Illinois. Since then, this organization has grown exponentially and…
Black History Month is a time to recognize the history, culture, and achievements of African Americans. This month-long celebration has been observed since 1976. The 2024 theme for Black History…
On this day 113 years ago, President Ronald Reagan was born in Tampico, Illinois. Happy birthday, President Reagan!
National Burn Awareness Week brings attention to the need for further burn awareness and prevention. This year’s theme is Flammable Liquids Burn, which acts as a reminder that flammable liquids,…
This year, I am hosting my fourth annual Valentines for Veterans program! Our veterans are a big part of our community, and these cards are one way for us to…
As of 2022 there were over 500,000 open missing persons cases in the United States. National Missing Persons Day brings awareness about people that are missing in hopes of increasing…
Today is National Wear Red Day. Be sure to wear red in an effort to bring awareness to heart disease in women and support women’s heart health.
Happy Groundhog day! The tradition of this holiday states that if the groundhog emerges and sees its shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter. If it does not…
Happy Freedom Day! On February 1st, 1865, Illinois became the first state in the union to ratify the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery in the United States.
The Illinois State Board of Education has passed a comprehensive plan to improve the way students are taught to read. Click here for more information.