Welcome to my 2024 Wrapped!
2024 has been jam-packed with community outreach, legislative initiatives, and more. In an effort to remain transparent about exactly what work is being done, I’ve decided to share my 2024 Wrapped! Below you will find information about what has been getting done for YOU, the people of the 79th District.
Thank you all for a great year and for continuing to entrust me with the honor of a lifetime: being your State Representative!

My staff and I attended over 115 community events this year. Tours, ribbon cuttings, celebrations, galas, and more were a major priority for us to attend. Getting out into the community and speaking directly with constituents, community leaders, and experts allows us to have a pulse on what is going on in our area and be as effective as possible as civil servants.

My office also remained busy hosting 12 outreach events, 5 donation drives, and over 30 traveling office hour events to remain available for constituents across the district. We hosted blood drives, shred events, ICASH events, my annual Job Fair, and more! We also collected donations for incredible charities and community organizations such as Toys for Tots, the Lions Club, and Sleep in Heavenly Peace.

It was a busy year in Springfield as I worked with my team to draft and pass legislation to help the people of Illinois. I am proud to have passed legislation to address the childcare crisis and make our schools and communities safer.

Looking forward, I want to remain as transparent, accessible, and accountable as possible.
Transparent: Once my legislation is officially filed, I will be opening a 2025 Legislative Agenda page on my website with easy-to-understand language and updates on where all of my bills are in the legislative process.
Accountable: I want to hear from you! I will be launching a 2025 Legislative Survey that allows constituents to express their priorities and concerns. Stay tuned for more information on this!
Accessible: Please contact my office via the contact information listed below at any time! Call or email to schedule a meeting or to share your comments, questions, or concerns.

Thank you to everyone in the 79th District who has made this year great. It is an honor and a privilege to be your State Representative. Looking forward to an incredible new year ahead!