This week in District 79, I was up to a lot of work! I was honored to join House Republican Leader Tony McCombie and House Deputy Republican Leader Norine Hammond to celebrate Kankakee County Republican Women’s 10-year anniversary.

I visited the Kankakee County Convention & Visitors Bureau luncheon yesterday. Kankakee County is an amazing destination for vacations, and I was glad to join this event to promote our great communities! If you have friends or family visiting, or want to take a stay-cation, find more information on the Kankakee County Visitor’s Bureau website here!

My staff was also happy to have a table at the Monee Senior Expo! My office is happy to help seniors with any issues they may have at the state level. Feel free to call (815) 523-7779 with any questions you may have or assistance you may need.

Last and most certainly not least, on July 12th I was absolutely honored to present Bradley Police Officer Tyler Bailey with a certificate from the House of Representatives to honor his heroism and well-deserved retirement. Thank you to our law enforcement officers for all you do to keep us safe!

On my website, you can find great information on farm-to-table restaurants in Illinois, including one in Grant Park! Find more information on these terrific places online here.