We wrapped up our legislative session on Saturday, May 27th. Pictured above is the FY24 budget we received with few hours to review before Democrats approved it. Next to it, a dictionary.
A benefit of working late hours in the General Assembly during session are the beautiful views we see in our spectacular state Capitol.
I was honored to present my resolution, House Resolution 318, to the Momence Fire Protection District in honoring their naming the firehouse the James LaMotte Firehouse. James LaMotte was my father and a dedicated, committed public servant. I was so happy to be there to present this resolution and join the Momence community in recognizing the life of my father.
I recognized La Delicia owners Jose and Isabel Rivera as my May Small Business Spotlight! This is the perfect business to kick off summer recognizing serving tasty treats including ice cream. What a sweet recognition for this Kankakee business!
I was honored to speak at the Reed Township Memorial Day Program this Memorial Day. We will never forget the brave men and women who heroically gave their lives to protect and defend our country.
I also had the honor of attending and saying a few words at the Kankakee County Veteran’s Council ceremony on the courthouse lawn.
We also stand with Gold Star families who are missing their loved ones and remembering their loss this time of year.

While I was in Springfield for the final days of session, my staff attended the ribbon cutting for the new River Valley Metro Kankakee Metro Centre. This is a phenomenal new facility to help connect Kankakee County constituents with public transportation!

We had a wild start to the week on Monday, May 22nd by partnering with the Brookfield Zoo to bring the zoo to Talala Elementary School in Park Forest! The students got to see a python and a baby sloth at this fun event to connect with nature.

It was an honor to join the Bradley Fire Department for a ribbon cutting event of their new fire station on May 21st! I’m glad to see these great facilities opening in our communities.